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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 03-21-2006, 12:01 AM

    Re: SetupBuilder handle management


    Hmm, as far as I know SB5 does not put a write log onto files. We have not received any similar bug report. What do I have to do to reproduce this here on our machines?

  • 03-20-2006, 01:50 PM

    SetupBuilder handle management

    SetupBuilder is open. I try to build the program that the installer references, and Visual Studio tells me "LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\..\runtime\server.dll'". I fire up Process Explorer and Find Handle 'server.dll'. SetupBuilder has it. I try closing the project. sbuilder.exe still has the handle. I have to close SetupBuilder completely, and restart when the build finishes.

    I shouldn't have to do this. There are a couple of issues here:
    a) I should be able to write to the file even if SetupBuilder has a reference to it. Why does SetupBuilder need a write lock on this file? It should be opened for reading only. If you do need a write lock, perhaps during compilation to ensure the file doesn't change while being compressed, it should be released after it's no longer needed.
    b) Handles should be released when I close the project, if not before.

    In theory, Setup Builder should only need to have a file handle during compilation and when populating the File tab.

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