
Type: Posts; User: instrumentally

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  1. How do I force the deletion of an entire folder when the UNINSTALLER is run?

    My app may or may not create new folders AFTER my app has been installed and at some point subsequent. If the app does create new subfolders, how do I ensure that these folders are deleted should the...
  2. Replies

    Re: Code signing confusion

    I had no choice to find another means to obtain a digital signing certificate since the Lindersoft doorway simply doesn't work no matter how hard I attempt finding a fix for the unsupported browsers...
  3. Replies

    Re: Code signing confusion

    Hindsight is 20/20, but when the Lindersoft customer attempts this process for the first time, none of what you have clarified is clear or "obvious." That is my point.
  4. Replies

    Re: Setup icon file too large

    Thanks, but it sure would be nice if the error message within Setupbuilder stated just that, i.e., "The installer stub is limited to 100,000 bytes." Otherwise, the user is left scratching his head...
  5. Replies

    Re: Code signing confusion

    Lindersoft provides a secure doorway to some unknown page, which I (and I suspect others) would have no idea was not associated with Lindersoft. The doorway page is, not Sectigo....
  6. Replies

    Re: Code signing confusion

    Microsoft is removing IE according to Microsoft. You can confirm this here:...
  7. Replies

    Re: Code signing confusion

    I don't think you understand the matter. Try it yourself. Try to order a digital signing certificate yourself using Chrome, Vivaldi, Edge, or Internet Explorer. You will simply fail when you...
  8. Replies

    Re: Code signing confusion

    As you can see in this video, even using Internet Explorer to purchase a signing certificate is a total fail:
  9. Replies

    Code signing confusion

    I am attempting to purchase a code signing certificate via the Lindersoft web site. After entering my login user name and password, I am taken to...
  10. Replies

    Setup icon file too large

    I am using SB 2019.5

    When I try to build a project, I get the following fatal error message...

    Fatal Compiler Error: GEN1092: Setup icon file too large: D:\bible\installer\icons\Install.ico
  11. Re: SetupBuilder no longer supported? (of course, it is !!!)

    Still, no reply received after waiting nearly 10 days. And "no", there is nothing from SB/Lsoft in my spam folder.
  12. Re: SetupBuilder no longer supported? (of course, it is !!!)

    Not really. That's why I sent a follow up email on June 16th. To date I've never gotten a response to that message of the 16th.
  13. Re: SetupBuilder no longer supported? (of course, it is !!!)

    Here is a copy of the content of the message that I sent on June 9, which went unanswered.

    This snapshot is of a "form recovery utility"...
  14. SetupBuilder no longer supported? (of course, it is !!!)

    Over the last 2 weeks, I have submitted 2 support requests via the "Contact us" form at To date, I have not received a single reply from anyone. ...
  15. Re: It's a miracle if anyone ever downloads my commercial software product

    I already have a certificate on the install.exe

    See below:


    As far as building a reputation... How can you build up a reputation for a product that can't be downloaded!

    One thing I...
  16. It's a miracle if anyone ever downloads my commercial software product

    It's a miracle if anyone ever downloads my commercial software product in light of all the anti-virus/firewall software and AV browser plug-ins that outright block or discourage users from...
  17. Re: Web Deploy: Majority of installations fail (Source file not found)

    Again, thank you for the time you've put into researching the issue. I'm impressed. :)

    Out of curiosity, what tool did you use to create the reports seen in your screen snapshots?

    Also, how...
  18. Re: Web Deploy: Majority of installations fail (Source file not found)

    Although I do appreciate the labor you've put into solving this puzzle, I don't believe I would conclude that there were no human beings behind the downloads. I did indeed get complaints from a...
  19. Re: Web Deploy: Majority of installations fail (Source file not found)

    My dummy test EXE with a Download of an unknown file type did not generate an error code in the program/installer. The install completed without displaying any error.

    On the server, the LOG file...
  20. Re: Web Deploy: Majority of installations fail (Source file not found)

    The wp-login.php attempt is from The .bin file requests are from These are totally unrelated.
  21. Re: Web Deploy: Majority of installations fail (Source file not found)

    The wp-login.php request is coming from a different IP address that the stub EXE attempt to download the associated .bin files. That wp-login.php attempt isn't related to the SetupBuilder matter.
  22. Re: Web Deploy: Majority of installations fail (Source file not found)

    My guess on this one is that some anti-virus site has been given my EXE to analyze. Sites like accept user's EXE uploads or URLs to files they wish to have verified for a virus. My...
  23. Re: Web Deploy: Majority of installations fail (Source file not found)

    Hackers will sniff for the existence of files on all public web sites. You need to look at LOG files more often. You'll get all kind of crazy GET requests for non-existent files all the time on a...
  24. Re: Web Deploy: Majority of installations fail (Source file not found)

    Yes, I understand. But that observation isn't solving the problem at hand.

    Have you looked at the LOG files? Would you agree that your initial "error 404" suspicion isn't what we are dealing...
  25. Re: Web Deploy: Majority of installations fail (Source file not found)

    Again, I am no further in solving this issue than when I posted this thread. There is no "error 404" issue to blame here. The LOG files prove that. There is no bandwidth/server access issue to...
Results 1 to 25 of 71
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