
Type: Posts; User: arrigob

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  1. Replies

    Re: How to code sign with new EV usb tokem?

    I just got mine yesterday. For the ones that have had issues, did you open the SafeNet Authentication client and logon to the token? That was the only other step that I did that was not listed here....
  2. Replies

    Re: Random Code Signing Error

    That is what I am thinking as well. I finally got an install to compile 100% after many retries.
  3. Replies

    Re: Random Code Signing Error

    It actually gave me a second error as well when reviewing the batch further.

    SignTool Error: An unexpected internal error has occurred.
    Error information: "SignerTimeStamp() failed."...
  4. Replies

    Re: Random Code Signing Error

    I decided to try manually signing them via command line and it's behaving similarly. It sends back a different error.

    "This may happen if you specify an RFC 3161 timestamp URL but used the /t...
  5. Replies

    Random Code Signing Error

    We have a multiple exe application that I create an update for monthly. This month's update will not compile. I keep getting the error, "Compiler error GEN1053: Code signing process failed. Error...
  6. Replies

    Re: Code Signing problem, build 4466

    Did you happen to move to a Windows 8 workstation and your files reside on a network drive? I get this error when trying to code sign files that are stored on a network drive after moving to Windows...
  7. Re: Renaming a previous install prior to new install

    Nevermind on the last post. Found it.
  8. Re: Renaming a previous install prior to new install


    What am I missing? I am trying to add one of the lines you suggested. I am trying to add this line specificly, "If %_SB_INSTALLERFLAG% Equals "1" on Position "$SB_SILENTMODEFLAG$"...
  9. Re: Renaming a previous install prior to new install

    Super, I will turn that back on and give this a try. Thanks again!
  10. Re: Renaming a previous install prior to new install

    Ok, thanks for the changes. My install is running very well now. I have one last issue with it though. I have it running as a silent install. I also have a prerequisite for .net framework 4. PCs...
  11. Re: Renaming a previous install prior to new install

    I see. Well I changed my script to not poll or use anything in the windows folder anymore. I also used message boxs in my script to confirm my datapath and callingpath are being collected right. So...
  12. Re: Renaming a previous install prior to new install

    Yes, I changed the position and tried this right before I sent it to you. I see it is working here as well. Do the copy command further down in my code look efficient as well? Right now my...
  13. Renaming a previous install prior to new install

    Hi There,

    I have a new install that I am making and I am having trouble in one area of it. At the beginning of the install I need to rename a folder to a new name. Then I will create and install...
  14. Replies

    Decompression errors on Windows 8

    Hi There,

    I have a client update installer that workstations run to update their local client software. My installer simply copies files from the server driver to the local disk.

  15. Re: Cannot Restore issue with project compilation

    Hi Friedrich,

    Thanks again for the correct answer on your first try. You are always spot on. That worked perfectly.

  16. Cannot Restore issue with project compilation

    Hi There,

    I am trying to compile an installer in the new version 8 setupbuilder. I had the code signing issue which you helped me with yesterday and that part is now correct. So now I am trying...
  17. Replies

    Re: Code signing issue under version 8


    You are exactly right! I was using SIGNCODE.exe and not signtool.exe. Once I made the change, setupbuilder code signed everything I asked it too. So thank you for that useful bit of...
  18. Replies

    Code signing issue under version 8

    Hi There,

    I am just now running one of my installers through the new version 8 that was recently released. All is going well but I cannot code sign?

    No matter which version 7 project I open...
  19. Replies

    Coloring text in dialogs

    I am trying to make some text I have on the "Finish" dialog screen red. I have not found any possible way and figured I would ask here before I simply dismiss the idea. Is there a way to do so?
  20. Replies

    Crystal Reports Deployment Advice

    Hi There,

    I just finished reading all Crystal Reports threads on this forum and see that everybody experiences the same when dealing with Crystal Reports.

    First, a little background. We used...
  21. Replies

    Re: Auto-refreshing of files on saved project?

    I guess for now, I will just remove all files from the files and folders area and manually reload them every time I make an update.

    Any future plans to improve this?
  22. Replies

    Re: Auto-refreshing of files on saved project?

    I may try the wildcards tip.

    When in the files and folder area to add files. Can you now add the folders or files in a way to where they automatically refresh the files in the bottom pane? I...
  23. Replies

    Auto-refreshing of files on saved project?

    Hi there,

    I have a question but its hard to explain what to ask, so let me try the best I can.

    We have a saved project that we call FPA update. When we open this project, setup builder...
  24. Replies

    Re: Check if file over network is in use?

    Just saw your last post, I am going to play around on that. I am using a Windows 7 machine to connect to a windows 2003 server.
  25. Replies

    Re: Check if file over network is in use?

    ? That is weird.

    I also just tried the same function but this time I told I used the actual network path \\server2900\fpa\fpuser.dat. This also returned -1, but I can physically see the file...
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