Just renewed my initial subscription. Any new news on SB2023?
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Just renewed my initial subscription. Any new news on SB2023?
Thanks Friedrich. The text is now ok at Scale 175%. Although fyi, setting General Information>Installer Style>DPI -Awareness to True rather than True/PM (as you recommend at the moment), gives an...
Thanks Friedrich, I thought that might be the case.
Running a high DPI Test with Beta 1 with W11 Settings>System>Display>Scale of 175%, I notice that the Welcome dialog's text (DLG_Welcome_Text) is not scaled up, although the heading text...
Is it possible to add a new button to the 'Back, Next and Cancel' buttons at the bottom of a custom dialog in SB 2023 Beta 1? I wasn't able to do this in SB10. Great new dialogs BTW in Beta 1.
Thanks Friedrich, I wasn't aware of the proper support arrangements and apologies for not using them; I will in future. Thanks for the project and, yes, it does help. I see that you have to use...
As a new subscriber to SB (from Wise 9), I'm very disappointed that I haven't had a response to this very basic question. I assume I must be doing something wrong but, after more than a week...
I see in Help that variables have a 260 character limit, but I can't find anything regarding a Text Resource limit. It looks as though I will have to have a separate dialog Text Resource for each...
Can this be reproduced? Is it a bug? If not, how can I combine a variable's text with other text in a 'Ready to Install dialog's Resource DLG_READYTOINSTALL_TEXT' with variable numbers of newlines?...
I have some text in a variable %UGTEXT1% which is set at runtime. I want to add this to the 'Ready to Install dialog's Resource DLG_READYTOINSTALL_TEXT before the standard text 'If you want to review...
Thanks for your help. As I said, the following issue doesn't seem right:
'I've noticed that, in my partially completed app, the 'Ready to Install' dialog displays the [INSTALLDIR] compiler...
'I've noticed that, in my partially completed app, the 'Ready to Install' dialog displays the [INSTALLDIR] compiler variable value in the 'Current Settings>Destination Folder' value, and not the...
Ah, ok I see them in the If control statement's 'Option' dropdown - didn't look hard enough. And, of course, OR was used in Friedrich's screenshot - my bad! Many thanks.
Thanks Friedrich. Hadn't thought of that! I am missing the OR operator though (and AND but that isn't a problem) as I use them a lot. Do you have a similar whizo solution to that?
Also, I've...
Thanks for the reply. Although I'm still not sure what the consequences of doing that might be. Also, will a WHILE control statement be available in the next version?
Hello again,
1. I'm getting the following message when attempting to verify a serial number using a run command from within a wizard loop:
Performing pre-checks...
Thank you both for your help. However, I've been able to resolve both issues thanks to lmodern1878's suggestions together with frequent reference to the Help, examples and the 'Learning SB' info.
Another issue I've come across: I set the 'Next' button text to 'Register later' and then reset it to 'Next >' if the REGISTER dialog isn't displaying in the loop. However, wherever I put the reset...
Never mind, I've sorted it out.
Thank you. An example would be great.
Currently evaluating the SB trial version with a view to purchase. I have 2 questions:
1. I need more text in the Welcome dialog than can fit in the space available, and I can enter it ok in the...