Is there an operand to easily set a variable using bitwise OR's?

I have a number of contants describing the positions in a checkbox variable. E.g.

#set compiler variable [OPTION1] = "1"
#set compiler variable [OPTION2] = "2"

However I have options that have dependencies. That is, if OPTION1 is selected, then OPTION2 should be forced to 1 as well. So after the Checkbox, I'd like to test if OPTION1 is set and if so, then...

Set Variable %OPTION% position [OPTION2] to "1" (or "0")

I can see how this can also be used to symbolically set up the defaults, rather than hardcoding in a value ahead of time. (This may also help to address any confusion, because the bitwise Checbox operands start from the left/significant bit, rather than the right/least significant bit)

Does this functionality or equivalent, already exist?
