SetupBuilder 5.5 (SB55) Developer Edition is released.
SetupBuilder(TM) is a powerful and easy to use Installation Authoring and
Configuration Management environment for developers and organizations
deploying applications to the Microsoft Windows Platform, including Windows
x64, Windows 2003 and Windows Vista.
SetupBuilder 5.5 Developer Edition starts at $299 USD for a royalty-free
usage license. A trial version is available.
As always you may use the "Check for Updates" option within SetupBuilder to
auto-update your current SB5 version.
You can also download the full SetupBuilder 5.5 install image by following
the appropriate link below:
For Developer Edition:
Change log for release of SetupBuilder 5.5 Build 1589 (August 11, 2006)
FEATURE : Add Core PreRequisites Visualizer to streamline the
installation process and to ensure the pre-requisite components
are in place.
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to automate
the installation of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to
automate the installation of the .NET Framework 2.0.
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to
automate the installation of the .NET Framework 3.0 (June
2006 CTP).
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to automate the
installation of Microsoft ASP.NET codename "Atlas" (April
Community Technology Preview (CTP)).
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to
automate the installation of the Visual C++ 2005 Runtime
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to automate
the installation of the Windows Installer 3.1 (v2).
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to automate
the installation of the Windows Installer 2.0 (Windows 95/98/
ME only).
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to automate the
Microsoft(R) SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000)
Release A installation.
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to automate the
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1 installation.
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to automate the
SqlXml 3.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3) installation.
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to automate the
Microsoft Visual J# Version 2.0 installation.
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to automate the
Microsoft DirectX 9.0c installation.
FEATURE : Add "DirectX Version" option to the "Get System Information"
script function to retrieve the installed DirectX version.
FEATURE : Add File|Script Structure Validation function to verify a
script and fix "priority errors".
FEATURE : Add "Create Native Image for .NET Assembly (Ngen.exe) option to
the Install File function (Advanced tab).
FEATURE : Add "COM Interop Registration for .NET Assembly option to the
Install File function (Advanced tab).
FEATURE : Add Web Update Creation Wizard to automate the generation of
web updates for web update enabled products.
FEATURE : Add Redistributable Manager.
FEATURE : Add "Czech" language file (thanks to LumÃ*r Vanek).
IMPROVEMENT: .NET Framework 3.0 (June 2006 CTP) detection.
IMPROVEMENT: Completely revamped IDE to increase productivity and make
navigating the setup project faster and much easier.
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Task Automation Explorer".
IMPROVEMENT: Add better MSDE 2000 version detection.
IMPROVEMENT: New "Install Web Update Client" option to automatically add
the web update client script function to the script. Disabling
this option removes the web update client script function from
the script.
IMPROVEMENT: "Install File" script function returns an error code through
the %_SB_ERRORCODE% variable now.
IMPROVEMENT: New "Include Script" selector.
IMPROVEMENT: "Verify Subscription Key" script function stores two list items
containing the expiration date and expiration version of the
subscription key in the %_SB_RETURNEX% variable.
IMPROVEMENT: Add more options to the "Register File Operation" script
FIX : Get Registry SubKey item could not be deleted from within the
Script Editor.
FIX : [SB#605161] Possible Script Editor problem when moving the
cursor to the first/last line.
FIX : [SB#605171] "Wizard: Set Control Properties" function did not
fire events on the first installer dialog.
FIX : [SB#605231] Compiler did not allow a percent sign (%) in file
FIX : [SB#605311] The General Information option "Reboot Message
During Silent Install" was not working as expected.
FIX : Possible "save script detection" problem.
FIX : [SB#608041] Possible Edit-In-Place IDE problem.
FIX : [SB#608042] Possible self-registering DLL uninstall problem.
FIX : Avoid endless (Loop Wizard) loop if no dialog is available.
FIX : [SB#608091] Under certain circumstances the installation
application loader hit a 16-file limit on Windows 98 machines.
CHANGE : If full background is enabled, the close button on the main
installer window is disabled now.
CHANGE : Renamed "Text File Operations" script function into "Handle
Text File Operations".
CHANGE : Renamed "System Restore Point" script function into "Handle
System Restore Point".
CHANGE : Renamed "Start/Stop/Remove Service" script function into "Edit
CHANGE : Renamed "Installation Log" script function into "Set
Installation Log Mode".
CHANGE : Renamed "Enable/Disable x64 Support" script function into "Set
x64 Mode".
CHANGE : Renamed "String Functions" script function into "Handle String
CHANGE : Renamed "Start/Stop Delayed File Install" script function into
"Handle Delayed File Install".
CHANGE : Renamed "Register OCXs/DLLs" script function into "Register
File Operation".
CHANGE : "Compiler Variables" Visualizer is part of the "Project
Definition" section now.
CHANGE : If "Add .NET Assembly into Global Assembly Cache (GAC)" File
Install option is enabled, the installer copies the assembly
file into the %WINDIR%\assembly folder.
CHANGE : Minor Script Editor modification.
CHANGE : "" include script is obsolete now.
[MSDE2000A_STRONGSAPASSWORD] compiler variables.
CHANGE : File decompression progress bar does not display for files
< 4MB (compressed size).
CHANGE : Updated Dutch language file.
CHANGE : Updated online help.
CHANGE : Updated PDF manual.
CHANGE : Updated wupdate.exe web update client.
CHANGE : Recompiled with Clarion 6.3 (9053).
CHANGE: : Increment version number to 5.5.
REGRESSION : Variable reference compiler verification mechanism did not work
as expected.
RUNTIME : Add "SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (v9.0.1399.6) runtime to
the Lindersoft runtime web server.
RUNTIME : Add "Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable
Package (x86) (v2.0.50727.42) runtime to the Lindersoft runtime
web server.
RUNTIME : Add "Microsoft .NET Framework Version 3.0 Redistributable
Package (x86) (v3.0.4131.6) runtime to the Lindersoft runtime
web server.
RUNTIME : Add "Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (v6.0.2900.2180) runtime
to the Lindersoft runtime web server.
RUNTIME : Add "Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable (v3.1.0.0) runtime
to the Lindersoft runtime web server.
RUNTIME : Add "Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable (v12.0.2600.2)
runtime to the Lindersoft runtime web server.
RUNTIME : Add "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000)
Release A (v2000.80.761.0) runtime to the Lindersoft runtime
web server.
RUNTIME : Add "Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1
Redistributable (v28.1.1117.6) runtime to the Lindersoft
runtime web server.
RUNTIME : Add "Microsoft Visual J# Version 2.0 Redistributable
(v2.0.50727.42) runtime to the Lindersoft runtime web server.
RUNTIME : Add "Microsoft DirectX 9.0c Redistributable (v4.9.0.904)
runtime to the Lindersoft runtime web server.
Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft
"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5