Hi Arnór,

> Registering C7 templates works fine. But it takes quite a while. On a XP
> Pro running in VMWare with 1GB ram (on a host with AMD quadcore and 5GB
> ram) and only Clarion (4.0 - 7.0) installed it takes on average about
> 23-24 seconds to register a single .tpl file (46K file) I think actually
> the old DDE in C6 is faster<g> I saw somewhere a comment about the
> registration being slow and I'm definitely seeing this also.

Yes, I also noticed this on all test machines here (even non-VMWare) and
that's why I added a note to the "Clarion 7 Template Registration Support"
thread ;-)

Please note that the Clarion 7 tool (a .NET application) that registers the
template with the C7 IDE takes some time to complete!

On two machines here (Pentium 4 running XP SP2) it even takes 38 seconds.

I already reported this to Bob Z. and they are doing some further testing.


Friedrich Linder

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