> I believe CapeSoft started out using CSIDL_Personal (My Documents - current
> user) and I don't know where they are putting examples now.

Actually AFAIK they have been putting their examples in
CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS and just setting a shortcut to them from
CSIDL_PERSONAL_DOCUMENTS so that a user could find them from either base

> The current consensus I believe is to use CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS. I think
> CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS is a better description than to tell people to follow
> some vendor's examples

Indeed. I think David was just trying to make the point that in doing so
other vendors would be following in SV's footsteps (finally<g>).

> I have been using COMMON_DOCUMENTS for quite a while
Yes you have<g>



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