Well in theory it would work, although I don't like that solution.

But in reality it doesn't work :-(

case 1:
#copy file "c:\development\nt\[XX]_u.exe" to "c:\sb6tmp\[XX]nt\xx.exe"

I was unable to fill [XX] in a way that is working for commandline and IDE compilation.
-> #def misses option "prompt if not specified on commandline"

It seems to behave different if I define by #def or IDE/Compiler Variables or commandline.
The only workaround was to use #copy file without compiler variables surrounded by #ifdef for all cases.

Another thing I tried is to use custom exe file name based on a compiler variable.
But this doesn't work either if I want to define the variable on the commandline.

Finally, some notes:
In the #ifdef dialog there is a suggestion for SB_EDITION and SB_VER, but its not documented where it comes from.

Giving up for now :-(
PS: I know thats stress testing of your software, but that's just the beginning