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Thread: How to access item on custom dialog

  1. #1

    Default How to access item on custom dialog

    After 3 hours of experimenting with the Custom Dialog Wizard, my frustration level is overflowing. I try to learn things by studying the docs and experimenting.

    I have defined a custom dialog and have used a dialog label of "CUSTMSLBL" in the Advanced tab. On the custom dialog I have defined a Static Text item with a "control name" of "ST1" and a value of "REQUIRED".

    Based on prior conditions, I would like to change the text displayed by Static Text ST1 to "OPTIONAL", using the "Set Text" feature of the "Set Control Properties" wizard.

    No matter what Control Identifier I use in the Set Control Properties wizard, I get an error message that the constant has not been defined.

    I notice that in the Set Control example program that you sent me, the Control Identifier of $EDITDATA_MULTIEDIT1$ is defined as a constant in the Common Definitions.sbi file. Are we supposed to define our own constants for the Custom Dialog Wizard?

    O. D. Williams

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: How to access item on custom dialog

    Quote Originally Posted by CMS Software View Post
    After 3 hours of experimenting with the Custom Dialog Wizard, my frustration level is overflowing. I try to learn things by studying the docs and experimenting.
    Let me ask you a question. There are 5 complete "Custom Dialog" source code demo projects and a VERY GOOD and interesting "Learning SetupBuilder Part I (written by Jane Fleming)" -- "Everything you ever wanted to know about SetupBuilder but were afraid to ask" manual available for learning all the new SB7 features.

    Did you play with any of these examples and did you read that "Learning SetupBuilder 7" manual?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: How to access item on custom dialog

    I have developed a very simple demo for you to demonstrate what you are trying to achieve. It's so darn simple to handle this with only a few lines of code (especially if you have played with the demo projects and the manual) and I am sure this will lower your level of frustration.

    See attached screenshots and the source code demo project.

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  4. #4

    Default Re: How to access item on custom dialog

    Quote Originally Posted by linder View Post
    Let me ask you a question. There are 5 complete "Custom Dialog" source code demo projects and a VERY GOOD and interesting "Learning SetupBuilder Part I (written by Jane Fleming)" -- "Everything you ever wanted to know about SetupBuilder but were afraid to ask" manual available for learning all the new SB7 features.

    Did you play with any of these examples and did you read that "Learning SetupBuilder 7" manual?

    I have run all the demo projects, some of them several times. I have examined the source code in each of them. However, sometimes my memory is not as good as at other times. (It's been that way since I turned 65!) I now realize I should have spent more time in the demo source code before asking the question.

    I appreciate your taking the time to build another demo. I'm amazed at the versatility in SB and I'm still learning how to utilize all its features. Looking at the way you have organized and implimented SB has caused us to change the way we organize the menus on some of our own products. Just one more benefit of using the best installer the world has ever seen.

    O. D. Williams
    CMS, Inc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: How to access item on custom dialog

    You are very welcome

    And if there is any question, just ask here and we'll try to help. There is no need to get frustrated! Even we find out new things about SetupBuilder every day. It's such a powerful system...


  6. #6

    Default Re: How to access item on custom dialog

    Actually, it turns out that my frustration was self inflicted. I often get confused on when to use $MyInfo$ versus [MyInfo] versus %MyInfo% and finally MyInfo.

    My entire problem was due to not using a plain Control Name. I had used each of the types shown above EXCEPT the correct one. Comparing my code to the sample code you provided caused me to quickly realize my error.

    As a memory aid for myself, I have printed out a page from Jane's manual entitled "Some Basic Hints and Conditions". Until it becomes second nature to use the correct type in the correct place, I plan to keep the memory aid near the computer.

    I also re-read Jane's entire excellent document and took notes. If you ever publish a book about the history of Setup Builder, I would suggest that Jane be the Centerfold! (Grin - Duck - and RUN before she throws something at me).

    CMS, Inc.

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