Quote Originally Posted by markwa View Post
As a SetupBuilder newbie but enthusiastic fan(!), I've successfully prepared a base setup for a 2.0.2 version of my app ("Composer"), and also a Web Update for version 2.0.3. My latest app version is 2.0.5. Users of version 2.0.2, 2.0.3, and 2.0.4 should all be albe to update in one step 2.0.5. I see evidence in this forum that this is possible, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do this.

The compiled 2.0.2-to-2.0.3 Web Update has three files:
(1) ComposerManifest.ini
(2) ComposerUpdate.00001
(3) ComposerUpdate.exe

If I create a second 2.0.3-to-2.0.4 Web Update, it also has three files like the above. I don't understand how these are essentially merged together in the 'update' directory at my server to support both 2.0.3-to-2.0.4 as well as 2.0.2-(to-2.0.3?)-to-2.0.4.

This raises a lot of questions:
* For each new version (eg, 205), do I need to prepare a new Web Update for each prior version: 202 to 205, 203 to 205, and 204 to 205?
You only need to prepare one web update project. A web update always brings the software to the latest version. It will web update 202/203/204 directly to 205.

Your 2.0.2-to-2.0.3 will do the following:

* 2.0.2 app checks for an update
* New update (2.0.3) detected and ComposerUpdate.exe downloaded
* ComposerUpdate.00001 file update applied

Quote Originally Posted by markwa View Post
* When it's time to do this for version 2.0.6, do I make an entire new Web Update sb6 project, or do I modify my most recent Web Update sb6 project?
This is completely up to you. We always use the same project file. Other developers make use of a template project. I know that LinderSoft use the same project file for all web updates.

Quote Originally Posted by markwa View Post
* Do I need to have a separate Web Udpate sb6 project for each pairwise version path, such as one sb6 project for 202 to 205 and another for 203 to 206?
No. One web update can handle all previous versions.

Quote Originally Posted by markwa View Post
* Do I need to have a separate Web Udpate sb6 project for each pairwise version path, such as one sb6 project for 202 to 205 and another for 203 to 206? (I hope and suspect not. If not, then what does the script look like for the different version update paths?)
* Is there one manifest INI file for all of these pairwise version updates, or does one manifest INI file have distinct sections and/or entries for each pairwise version update?

The overall question is this: Is there some documentation or forum post I'm overlooking that describes how to prepare a series of Web Updates?
I like the following two threads:

