Our software relies heavily on frequent updates for database and file based changes. The number of times that user receives changes can be as many 3-4 times a day in the busy season to 3 times a week in the off season. We created our own update process for our software where the program calls a webservice, queries and sends the users program version (database & files), the webservice then constructs the proper database changes and downloads to the user and installs. These are access database tables as we are required by some of our coporate clients that we cannot isntall services on user machines (SQL Server and the like).

We can still do this with UAC aware systems, but we don't want it to prompt for 'admin' rights. We are under the idea, that code-signing our files and installation would prompt for admin perms on initial install, but after that we would be able to update without requiring admin if we were to use SetupBuilder as our webupdater (valid installer). Is that correct?

If so, would we be able to run a SetupBuilder webupdate to call one of our DLL's to call our webservice and perform the necessary updates?
