Hi Friedrich,

I have a situation where I need to deploy SQL files for database
updates. I've been doing this for a while without any problems and it
works great. However, I've found out that the (Sybase) utility that I
use to execute the scripts GPFs if the script file (.sql) has a space
in the name. I.e. 006-2007-05-23-database update.sql fails where as
006-2007-05-23-database-update.sql works without problems. I'm so
used to name files with spaces that I completely forget this and make
a mess. Is there a way for me to make SB (5.6) check the filename at
_compile time_ and throw up an error message if there is a space in
any filename with a '.sql' extension? TIA

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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