
What does this error mean?

------ Developer Edition Version 7.1.2860
------ SetupBuilder EXE (SBEXE) Compiler Version: 7.1.2860

Linking loader...
Compile Version Resource...
Code size: 14,336 bytes
Fatal Compiler Error: GEN1094: Cannot inject stub loader entrypoint: Para1:
C:\Users\Russ\Documents\SetupBuilder Projects\RFI HR\SetupRFIHR.exe Para2:
14336 Para3: 6152

I *think* it might mean that C7 has not released the programs it created.
If I shut down C7, then the compile proceeds 100% clean. To test, build
something in C7 and then compile the script for that solution. You should
get the error. Close C7 and compile again (might have to hit the save
button again) and it should now compile clean.

If that is the case, I can submit a PTSS to SV.
Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: