[Sunday, January 23, 2005 2:23 AM]

With line 1 selected and 49 lines visible in the script editor, the first
keyboard PageDown selects line 39. A second PageDown leaves line 39 selected
and scrolls it to the top. At that point additional PageDown does absolutely
nothing. PageUp returns it to its previous state of line 1 at top and line 39

Use the mouse to scroll to an arbitrary midpoint and select a line (I used
line 256). PageUp/Down simply shift the line to top/bottom of window.

From that point, use the END key to move to the last line (521 in my case).
Interestingly, PageUp returns to the last selected line, 256. At that point
PageUp/Down act as above.

Select any arbitrary midpoint line with the mouse (I chose 444). Use the
UpArrow to scroll up to line 239. PageUp reverts to line 445.


Best regards,
