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Thread: file not found or locked

  1. #1

    Default file not found or locked

    setupbuilder developer edition version 7.2.2943

    A script runs with no problem for months.
    Now I update a dll and copy it to the setup directory.
    As I start the compile I get an error on the first step :

    CPAIS_BASIS.sb7(2): error GEN1055: File not found or locked [@7]: CPAIS.EXE

    this happens in the embed Manifest (Preprocessor)

    I have not changed the exe.
    I copy the exe again from the clarion6 directory to the setup directory and
    still get the error. The file is not read only.

    The embed UAC manifest points to the exe in the setup directory.

    What can be the reason for this ?


    Hans Vinckier

  2. #2

    Default Re: file not found or locked


    > What can be the reason for this ?

    The check for exclusive write access fails. That means, the compiler is
    unable to get exclusive write access to this file because another product
    (e.g. a security software product) also has a handle to it open.


  3. #3

    Default Re: file not found or locked

    BTW, I do not see a path specification in your error message, only
    "CPAIS.EXE" and not "c:\yada\CPAIS.EXE". So it's also possible that "file
    not found" is correct in your case.


  4. #4

    Default Re: file not found or locked

    Thanks Friedrich,

    I used the folder icon to select the exe file in the uac embed manifest . There
    the complete path is specified,
    Just a minute ago, after testeing and resetting computer I saw that the embed
    uac manifest line was copied to the second line of the script and before the
    'include common' line.
    I deleted it and it was ok then.

    Thanks for helping

    Hans Vinckier

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