Me again Continuing to stress-test your lovely software.

I'm getting to grips with the multilingual support and have a couple of questions:

1. I understand that the installer-language selector which comes up at the
start, comes up in the default language of the Windows installation on the
machine. I haven't tested that yet, but I don't doubt it. It certainly
comes up in English for me - even though I am not using "English-US".

However my available languages are currently Dutch, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, and the dialogue comes up leaving Dutch as the default selection in the drop-down box! It would be nice if it were English (for an English computer)!

[It occurred to me that either it shows the first alphabetically for
everyone, or that it is trying to set the machine's language to be the
default in the drop-down, and failing because it isn't recognising non-US
dialects of English at that point. I notice that there's a %CURLNG% variable which must be the machine's language code. I am used to them in hexadecimal, but yes mine is 2057 (=0x809=UK English) whereas I select English-US and get %SELLNG%=1033. (=0x409=US English). ]

2. I notice that Swedish translations for the default text entries are not provided. That's fair enough - but I am resolved to provide language versions in any language where I have volunteers to translate in exchange for a free upgrade, and one of them happens to be Swedish. Question: does the default language selector at the start come up in all the languages on your list? In particular Swedish?

3. A very minor comment indeed: "Spanish (traditional sort)" looks a little bit odd as a language label. As far as I can see, most sources, including Microsoft, call it "Spanish (Castilian)" to distinguish it from other Iberian and Latin American dialects. Just a thought.
