
Upon completion of the installation, the user is asked whether to restart Windows, and also the installed app is automatically run. The user is incorrectly presented with two windows at the same time: (1) the dialog box asking him whether to restart Windows, and (2) the install application window.

How can I postpone the displaying of the application window until after the user decides to not restart Windows?

I found some Jan'2005 forum discussion on this:


The advice there was to make "Run Program" the last statement in the script. I tried that, but it didn't work:

[ Final User Interface ]
! Final wizard dialog definition(s)
Define Wizard Dialog "#1" (Finish)

! The Wizard Loop displays the dialog screens that the user sees in the installation
Loop Wizard (Abort Dialog Active)
Run Program %_SB_INSTALLDIR%\[PRODUCTSHORTNAME]\[PRODUCTSHORTNAME].exe -wndtoptemp (Always Install)

-- Mark