Hello Friedrich and all others!

My intention is to offer the user a dialog for the paths of the
executables and the data each.

This is meant namely for those users who have decided to _not_ store the
data to %CSIDL_COMMONDOCUMENTS%\myEXE\data as I suggested. And some folks
have good reasons for that.

So - who can I help them?

When my programs are started, they first look up an INI where the
data-path is documented. If no value, then CSIDL_blabla, else

What will happen, if the user can decide the data-path, is, that then the
INI is still empty and therefore pointing to CSIDL_blabla. Which is NOT
good..... because its not existing then and the very first thing my
programs then will do is failing!

Is it possible to automagically maintain the INI from my SB7-install?

That would be cool!

The second best solution would be to call my Admin.EXE with a parameter
holding the new datapath, once the setup is finished.

Thanks in advance!

Wolfgang Orth



It's five o'clock somewhere.....