In help file you have this code:


Set Variable %SB6ACTIVE% to FUNCTIONetect Active Application(sbuilder.exe)

If %SB6ACTIVE% Equals "1" Then

Display Message Box "The SetupBuilder Integrated Development Environmen..." -- "SetupBuilder application currently running"

If %_SB_RETURN% Equals "$IDCANCEL$" Then

Exit Installation



Break Loop



When I add the Set Variable... to my script... double click to set value... it just has a space to type in and no way to select it to function... if I put in
Set Variable %SB6ACTIVE% to FUNCTIONetect Active Application(Planner.exe) .... then it ends up just as a quoted string... it does not execute the function.

I added message box to throw the value of the variable to the user... and it just shows the string... also in my SB7 it shows the function part in quotes but in the help file it does not....

I know I'm missing the obvious... help.