My ignorance gets in the way -- AGAIN :-)
Running SB.Ver 7.5.3378

I want to look at the WIN.Registry and decide whether to run the
"Initial Install" script or the "Update Install" script.
I have the following code at the beginning of the User-Interface
script area

Set Variable %_SB_REGISTRY_CURRVER% to FUNCTION:Get Registry
SubValue("APP_CurrentVersion") from

If %_SB_ERRORCODE% Does Not Equal "0" Or %_SB_REGISTRY_CURRVER% Less
Than "1.00.02" Then
... initialize some variables and call
Set Active Setup Type to "Initial_Install"
... initialize some variables and call
Set Active Setup Type to "Update_Install"

If the key
is NOT in the registry I get what I expect--Install Script

If the key
IS IN the registry and the value of "APP_CurrentVersion" is 1.00.03 I
get what I expect--Update Script

BUT -- If the key
IS IN the registry and the value of "APP_CurrentVersion" is 1.00.00 I
fall into the Update script -- should use the Install Script

Any thoughts greatly appreciated