[Monday, February 21, 2005 8:19 PM]

Here is a revision taking in consideration the reselction of the path if
variable does not contain the proper value (thanks to a previous post of
F.L.) :

[ Interview User Interface ]
Define Wizard Dialog: #1 (Welcome)
Define Wizard Dialog: #2 (Readme)
Define Wizard Dialog: #3 (Select Setup Types [Standard])
Define Wizard Dialog: #4 (Select Program Folder)
Define Wizard Dialog: #5 (Select Install Folder)
Define Wizard Dialog: #6 (Select File)
Define Wizard Dialog: #7 (Ready to Install)

! The Wizard Loop displays the dialog screens that the user sees in the
Set Variable %POSTE_TRAVAIL% to 0
Loop Wizard
Handle Wizard Events()
If %_SB_SETUPTYPEID% Equals "1" Then
Show Wizard Dialog #4
Show Wizard Dialog #5
Hide Wizard Dialog #6
ElseIf %_SB_SETUPTYPEID% Equals "2" Then
Set Variable %POSTE_TRAVAIL% to 1
Hide Wizard Dialog #4
Hide Wizard Dialog #5
Show Wizard Dialog #6
If %_SB_DIALOGID% Equals "6" Then -> 6
because of the dialog box is number 6....
Set Variable %CHECKVAR% to Upper(%_SB_INSTALLDIR%)
Set Variable %RESULT% to InStr(, %CHECKVAR%, "CGF.EXE")
If %RESULT% Equals "0" Then
Message Box "ATTENTION :\n\nVous devez sélectionner le fichier
...." -- "CGF Suite Comptable"
Set Focus to Control ID $DESTINATION_EDIT1$
Cycle Loop
Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to ExtractFolder(%_SB_INSTALLDIR%)

If %POSTE_TRAVAIL% Equals "1" Then
ElseIf %POSTE_TRAVAIL% Equals "0" Then
Terminate Application "cgf.exe"
Terminate Application "cgfshop.exe"
! Display progress dialog
same from here on ....

Solves all my pbs!

Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ