
I've got a program that runs only on a server. Clients access it via
Thin@. When I do web update (manually or on a timer), I need to ensure
that no other client can remote in. One way to ensure this is to stop
the Thin@ services. So I've got this little bit of script:

Set Variable %MYAPPACTIVE% to FUNCTIONetect Active
Application("MyApp.EXE") [File Name]
If %MYAPPACTIVE% Equals "1" Then
/* Display Message Box "The program is still running. Please
save your work an..." -- "The program is still running" */
Run Program C:\Thin@\NetManager /stopall (Always Install)
Break Loop

After the install loop, normally where the Finished dialog displays
(removed as it happens on the server - no dialogs allowed):

Run Program C:\Thin@\NetManager /start (Always Install)

Both run elevated. Assume for the moment that stopping these services
closes running apps (checking on this).

Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC