
We are proud to announce that SetupBuilder 8 Developer Edition (Gold) has
undergone and passed all technical tests to become "Windows 8 Compatible"
and "Windows Server 2012" Certified.

The certification for Windows 8 applications includes requirements in the
following areas:

- Compatibility and resiliency
- Adherence to Windows Security Best Practices
- Clean and reversible installation
- Following of User Account Control (UAC) guidelines
- Support for multi-user sessions
- Support for x64 versions of Windows

This all helps ensure a compatible and reliable experience with any version
of Windows, both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) editions. The "Windows 8
Compatible" logo is an indication that SetupBuilder has been developed and
fully tested to work great on Windows 8.

Friedrich Linder

--Helping You Build Better Installations
--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Create Windows 8 ready installations in minutes
--Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner