[Wednesday, March 30, 2005 4:08 PM]

friedrich linder wrote:

> Simon,
> Yes, I understand.
> The wupdate.exe client is pure SetupScript code (see wupdate.sb5 script).
> All information is stored in the Windows Registry.
> 1. wupdate.exe is started and gets its full path name (line 30)
> 2. The client uses the full path name to read the AppKey info from the
> Registry (line 31)
> 3. This AppKey is used to read additional information.
> The above method makes it possible to support an unlimited number of
> WebUpdate applications on one machine.
> I think 2.) failed on his machine.

Correct. For some reason it stored

d:\program files\smartmail\\WUPDATE.EXE

in the registry. Any idea how it could have done that?

Once fixed his autoupdate started working.
Simon Craythorn
InterVations, Inc