Currently all my apps are standalone. I am now enabling Replicate in all my
apps so my SB installer needs to be modified to cater for the data folder

I will have a window to ask if they are a multi user. If not then I default
to the scenario I use now and install the data to CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS .
In my code I setup the data path using:

GLOataPath = Clip(ds_GetFolderPath(WE::CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS)) &
'\Company Name\Application Name'

Now I am using Replicate I will need to change my code to point NOT to a
local folder but another folder. Not a problem.

In the installer, would it best, if a multi user, to allow them to select
the data folder and then enter that folder into the registry for each local
machine? This means that everyone has to make sure that they enter the same
folder of course. My handcode then be modified to use the registry value
instead of CSIDL.

Or is there a more automated way of doing this?

I am just trying to remove as much of the manual choices as possible in my
SB script. The standalone app really has very little room for the user to
make changes but I think a network application needs to have that

Bottom line - the standalone users tend to be completely computer illiterate
so providing choice is dangerous. The network users will be computer
literate or employ someone who is so should be able to manage the install

I am just worried that someone on the network could install and select
another folder for the location of the data to other users!

BTW If they are running a "central" copy of the software using dumb
terminals then all is OK but I suspect that most will be running local
copies in the office but using the central data repository.


John Fligg