Customer sent me this. I use %_CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS%\My Path in my script. So something changed
Documents to Documets. He could have typed it incorrectly, I copied from my email. This script code
to create first a main folder and then subfolder's works for both Server and Workstation selections.
It is set to "Always Install". So there must be a permissions issue or maybe a hardware problem on
his computer. Installed fine on my xp,win7/8 computers.

My script first creates a main folder then the subfolders. Then adds to the main folder the Shared
Resource and then Grant File Access.

I will get my customer to send me the uninstall.log

He has MS Essentials installed. I have been wanting to develope a script to adivse if MSS is
installed. I will send a test SB8 install to him to see how this will work for me.

Thanks for your help and your time spent testing. If only I could reply back to my customers as fast
as you do.
