I thought I was doing exactly that (just using default uninstall). I added the CLOSE INSTALLATION LOG at the end in case that was the problem but it made no difference, so I have removed it again.

Here's my Install script. (I removed blank lines etc)

[ Initialize Setup ]
! --- Define commonly used constants ---
#include script "Common Definitions.sbi"
Define Wizard Dialog "WELCOME" (Welcome)
Loop Wizard (Abort Dialog Active)
Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "C:\ABC6\TEMP_UTIL"

[ User Interface ]

! Create installation .log
Create Installation App & Log "%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\Uninst_ABCTempUtil.log" [Overwrite Existing Uninstall Application]

[ Create Folders ]

[ Install Files ]
Install File "C:\ABC6\work\Mike Format Tenants\FormatSiteNbrs.exe" to "%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\FormatSiteNbrs.exe" [Feat:Always Install] [SelfReg]
Install File "C:\ABC6\work\Mike Format Tenants\FormatSiteUtil.ico" to "%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\FormatSiteUtil.ico" [Feat:Always Install]

[ Create Shortcuts ]
::Create Shortcut "Remove ABC Temp Util" in "Desktop\Remove ABC Temp Util" (Always Install)
::Create Shortcut "ABC Util" in "Desktop\ABC Util" (Always Install)

[ Finalize Setup ]

[ Final User Interface ]
! Final wizard dialog definition(s)
Define Wizard Dialog "#1" (Finish) ()

! The Wizard Loop displays the dialog screens that the user sees in the installation
Loop Wizard (Abort Dialog Active)