I have a SetupBuilder script that I use to test Manifesting, Protecting,
and CodeSigning my Apps before finally building a Setup.exe.

I would like to automate the process by using a command line option if
possible. Here is what I have tried:

glo:SB = CLIP([Path & SetupBuilder.exe) & ' /C
K:\BaW\_Projects\SB\CodeSign.sb8 /CV PRG_NAME "AppCopy"' [I have also
tried the /SC option.]

I use vuRun from vuFileTools to call SetupBuilder and run the command line.

The PRG_NAME variable is supposed to be sent to:

#set compiler variable [PRG_CODESIGN] = "PRG_NAME"

The script runs but nothing happens.

Obviously I am doing something wrong, but am at a loss as to what it is.

