Hi Fridirich,

For the moment I solved this in a not so elegent way but at least it worls for now.

In my Local AppData folder I create an ini file and write value with 0.

I then run a personalised wucheckme where I added the following.

Now when I do:
fork: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\StakePoint 2014\wucheckme.exe"'
arguments: #('/C' '/S').

Which will modify the ini if a newer version is available.

If this is the case then I do: ExternalProcess
fork: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\StakePoint 2014\wucheckme.exe"'
arguments: #('/S').
To download the file and I'll close my application.

Before cleaning things up further One question remains:
Can I be sure that wucheck will pass any compagnies proxy with user names and passwords etc without asking questions ?
This is very important to know. I really would like setupbuilder just to do it, so I can be sure that connected computers will be update with what I serve them.

