Update: If you are concerned about definitely getting your order sales tax
free, please use the "Order Tax-Free" payment option.
FAQ: Our organization is tax-exempt and does not pay sales tax. How do I
order without paying sales tax?
eSellerate (a Digital River Inc. company), as our main credit card
processor, is responsible for the collection of U.S. sales tax based on the
location of their nexuses. Although it is not possible to prevent sales tax
from being collected on orders placed by customers in those states,
customers whose organizations are tax-exempt can receive a refund of
the sales tax collected on their orders. This article describes the simple
process of obtaining a sales tax refund.
Because there are no online databases by which various state-issued tax IDs
may be electronically verified in real-time, it is not possible to prevent
sales tax from being collected on orders placed by customers located in
states where Digital River has tax nexus.
However, customers whose organizations are exempt from paying sales tax can
receive a full refund of the sales tax amount, credited back to the same
payment account used for the order.
To receive a refund of state sales tax after placing an order:
1) Send an e-mail message to csfileattachment@digitalriver.com with a
subject line of "Sales Tax Refund Request". You can also fax the requests
to 952-253-8760.
2) In the e-mail message, include the order ID shown on your receipt /
invoice. The order ID always begins with "ST" (e.g., "ST123456789").
3) In the e-mail message, please attach your organization's tax exempt
documentation. This may be a certificate, tax form, or other
government-issued documentation.
eSellerate Support responds to tickets received before 5:00 pm central US
time Monday through Friday within the next business day, and often within
hours. Once your refund has been processed, eSellerate Support will reply by
e-mail and confirm the refund. The funds will post back to the payment
account (e.g., credit card) used for the order within 3-5 business days, or
Friedrich Linder
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