Just got a brand new cert for code signing and decided to start using
SignTool rather than SignCode since I now have .pfx file - but no luck!

I have set the location of SignTool.exe in >Tools >File Locations and
also entered the path to my pfx file.

This is what I get when compiling:

Adding Digital Certificate (Preprocessor)...
SIGNTOOL: C:\Dev\bla\MyDLL.dll
SHA1: 1
Compiler error GEN1053: Code signing process failed. Error Code: 1

It does work from a command prompt when I do:

C:\> signtool sign /fd SHA512 c:\Dev\bla\MyDLL.dll

The file gets signed (but not timestamped) and it correctly shows sha512
in the signature properties where it said md5 before.

So my question is: how do I 'configure' SignTool to use sha-2 from
inside SB?
