
We just released version 10.0 build 5074 which is a free upgrade for all
SetupBuilder customers with an active Maintenance and Support Plan. The
update contains important bug fixes and enhancements. The easiest way to
obtain this version is to click 'Help' > 'Check for Updates' in the
SetupBuilder 10 IDE.

We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the new version of
SetupBuilder 10 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of
support, performance and reliability.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to build 5074.

I'll post more information about the upcoming version 10.1 later this week.

SetupBuilder 2016 Version 10.0 Build 5074 (February 29, 2016)

NEW : IDE: Add new "Code-Signing" tab to the IDE 'Tools > Options...'
for global SHA-1, SHA-2 or SHA-1/SHA-2 code-sign configuration.

NEW : Add enhanced support for "Windows Server 2016".

NEW : IDE: Add new "Get Microsoft SignTool" option to the 'Help'
menu bar.

NEW : IDE: Add "Get Trust [Code-Signature - Serial Number]", "Get
Trust [Code-Signature - Expiration Date]" and "Get Trust
[Code-Signature - Issuer Name]" to the "#get file info..."
compiler directive.

NEW : Add "Installer Progress Percentage" option to the "Get System
Info..." script function.

FIX : IDE: Under certain circumstances, a project re-compile caused
missing 64-bit installer support files.

FIX : IDE: When creating a new .sbp project and switching into the
Script Editor without doing a "save" first, the project tab
displayed the "Common" instead of the newly
created project name.

FIX : Installer: [SB#6-02111] On the Installation Progress dialog,
the sub-heading text did not wrap the "Please wait while the
Setup Wizard installs [PRODUCTNAME]. This may take several
minutes." It turned out that this behavior is by Windows
design. When specifying any of the ellipsis styles for a static
control, the control becomes a single line control.

FIX : Installer: [SB#6-02111] During an Unzip process, the progress
dialog showed all the files that were unzipping in the lower
progress bar graph, but the upper bar graph was still "stuck"
displaying the last normal file installed.

CHANGE : IDE: Add new $WIN_SERVER2016$ Windows Version ID to the "Common".

CHANGE : IDE: Remove $WIN_SERVER10$ Windows Version ID from the "Common".

CHANGE : IDE: Add "Disable early compiler variable resolving" option to
the "#pragma..." compiler directive.

CHANGE : IDE: The compile project action can be initiated from .sbi
tabs. This will automatically process a pending .sbi save

CHANGE : IDE: Remove the .PVK/.SPC entries from the IDE 'Tools >

CHANGE : IDE: The Microsoft Authenticode SignCode.exe is not the default
code-signing tool any longer.

CHANGE : IDE: Remove the "File Locations" tab from the IDE 'Tools >

CHANGE : Removed obsolete "MSDE/SQL Server Version from the "Get System
Info..." script function.

CHANGE : IDE: Project Location moved from the "File Locations" tab to
the "Preferences" tab.

CHANGE : IDE: Modifications to the 'File > Script Structure Validation'
function to detect and fix an "Enable Web Update" issue. This
will reset "Store Properties in INI File" option to "No".

CHANGE : IDE: The "#code-sign application..." compiler directive shows
the path to the .PFX code-signing certificate in the Script

CHANGE : Updated online help (CHM and PDF).


Best regards,

Friedrich Linder
Lindersoft | SetupBuilder |
954.252.3910 (within US) | +1.954.252.3910 (outside US)

--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Helping You Build Better Installations
--Create Windows 10 ready installations in minutes
--Official COMODO Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner