We just released version 10 build 5368 which is a free upgrade for all
SetupBuilder customers with an active Maintenance and Support Plan. The
update contains new features, important bug fixes and enhancements. The
easiest way to obtain this version is to click 'Help' > 'Check for Updates'
in the SetupBuilder 10 IDE.
We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the new version of
SetupBuilder 10 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of
support, performance and reliability.
This is the first of a series of updates that will continue during the
following months in order to enhance and optimize our SetupBuilder 2017
environment. Stay tuned for more information.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to build 5368!
SetupBuilder 2017 Version 10 Build 5368 (December 19, 2016)
NEW : Add enhanced support for "Windows Server 2016" (October 2016
NEW : IDE: Add new SHA-1/SHA-2 compliant Comodo timestamp server
( to 'Tools' > 'Options' > 'Code-
Signing', 'General Information > Digital Signature' and to the
"#code sign application..." compiler directive.
NEW : Add "Search for Registry Value..." script function. This lets
you find a value in the Windows registry.
NEW : Add "Get Pending File Operations..." script function to
retrieve the list of Windows 'PendingRenameFiles' items.
NEW : Add "File is a pending FileRename operation" option to the
"If File/Folder..." control statement.
NEW : Add "Create Text File..." script function. This lets you create
and fill an ASCII text file.
NEW : Add "Wizard: Set Wizard Position..." script function to set the
initial position of the installer wizard and progress / wait
NEW : IDE: Add "Verify Code-Signed Install at Startup" option to the
"General Information" Advanced Settings. This lets you check
the status of a code-signed setup file and abort the install if
the signature is invalid (modified, hacked, incomplete or virus
NEW : IDE: Add "Setup Icon" entry field to the "General Information"
Generator Settings. This lets you customize the actual
installer and uninstaller icon (rather than the default
computer-with-CD icon).
NEW : IDE: Add "Go to Script" item to the right-click popup menu in
the lower right Target Files window of the "Files and Folders"
Visualizer. This lets you switch and highlight the selected
file in the Script Editor.
FIX : [SB#6-10061] IDE: Under certain circumstances, the compiler
generated incorrect code for the "Pin to Taskbar (Win7+)"
option in the "Create Shortcut..." script function and the
Shortcut Visualizer's "Shortcut Properties".
FIX : Installer: The installer resolved only 911 out of the 1000
possible runtime variables. 88 runtime variables are reserved
by the system. One variable cell was never used.
FIX : IDE: The "Create Web Update Project" Wizard did not offer the
.sbp project file extension.
FIX : IDE: The "code-sign application..." compiler directive did not
work as expected in combination with the new "Global SHA-1
only", "Global SHA-2 only" and "Global SHA-1 & SHA-2 dual"
Code-Signing options ('Tools' > 'Options' > 'Code-Signing').
CHANGE : IDE: Add a slightly modified manifest generation method to the
compiler to improve support for "DPI-awareness". This affects
the generated setup.exe and executables processed by the
"#embed UAC manifest..." compiler directive.
CHANGE : [SB#6-07151] Increase the limit of the allowed number of
runtime variables (by 20%) from 1000 to 1200.
CHANGE : IDE: If the contents of an "Edit INI File..." function contains
comments (the compiler skips it.
CHANGE : Installer: Increase the width of the "Wait Dialog".
CHANGE : IDE: Minor experimental modifications to try to work around the
IDE repaint issue.
CHANGE : Installer: All 'non-fatal' and most 'fatal' error message boxes
are not displayed when the un-/installer is running in silent
mode. The error codes are written to the optional event log
CHANGE : IDE: SetupBuilder project file format changed from build #2600
to #5368.
CHANGE : Updated Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 redistributable (x86, x64) to
build 14.0.24516.
CHANGE : Updated Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 redistributable (x86,
x64) to build 4.5.50938.18408.
CHANGE : Updated Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 redistributable (x86,
x64) to build 4.6.01590.00.
CHANGE : Updated online help (CHM and PDF).
The full history list can be obtained through the following link:
Best regards,
Friedrich Linder
Lindersoft | SetupBuilder |
954.252.3910 (within US) | +1.954.252.3910 (outside US)
--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Helping You Build Better Installations
--Create Windows 10 ready installations in minutes
--Official COMODO Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner