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Thread: Add and Edit a task schedule is missing some options

  1. #1

    Default Add and Edit a task schedule is missing some options

    The Task Scheduler has a lot of options that are not available in the "Add Scheduled Task" Installer Function. What I am missing is "When" to start the task like "At windows start" and "When a task is created or altered". I can set the interval for one minute but I cannot set the "Duration" to "Eternal". I also need the "stop a task if it has been running longer than" option with the duration applied. It is also missing the option to "run regardless the user has logged on or not". And an way to apply the windows useraccount that the task should run under. Also a way to deactivate the "Stop task in it has been running more than" and a duration of default "3 days.

    There are many more options that I would like to have in the "Add Scheduled Task" Installer Function.

    It would also be good if you could Edit an already created task based on the Name.

    The Run/RunOnce option from the registry database is not good in this particular situation because the application is closed each time it has been executed. It is build to be started every minute and has to be closed for each run.
    Last edited by Allan Greis Eriksen; 02-28-2017 at 03:54 AM. Reason: Correction from "Task Manager" to "Task Scheduler"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Add and Edit a task schedule is missing some options

    Hi Allan,

    I'll see what we can do...


  3. #3

    Default Re: Add and Edit a task schedule is missing some options


    Also if you could add functions to Run and End the scheduled task on demand. This would be needed when we would auto update an application that is part of the scheduled task. It should not run while the application is being updated so being able to control the running scheduled tasks is important.

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