> did you already contact them and sent your documentation?

Got my certificate.. have a PFX file. I used openssl to create the .pvk,
..pem, and .spc files... using the instructions at:


I changed the global signing area in setupbuilder for the new .pfx file,
entered my password that I used to export the pfx. I used
http://timestamp.comodoca.com for both timeservers, and checked the
Global SHA-1 and SHA-2 dual.

That failed with an error signing GEN1053: Code signing process failed.
Error Code 1.

I changed it to Globabl SHA-2 only and it signed. So dual signing is not

Currently I'm only signing the install because my files had already been
signed... I can fix that later, just wanted to test the setup.exe
first..didn't know if that makes a difference.


Ray Rippey
VMT Software