Hi Friedrich,

> only specific system applications (e.g. an installation system) should
> request administrator execution level privileges or apps that really have to
> make system-wide modifications. Otherwise, this execution level is a
> no-no-no go <g>.

Correct, but there are developers who use SB and DO write tools and
services that NEED to use requireAdministrator in order to access those
system level information. Stating that only applications on pre-Vista
OS' should use requireAdministrator is simply incorrect, as you say:
"only SPECIFIC..." - meaning that SOME applications need it. The help
indicates that NO applications need it unless they run on pre-Vista OS'

We have a windows service admin/service that needs to run elevated. No
ifs or buts about it. It must be manifested with requireAdministrator.
If an app needs to make modifications to HKLM it needs elvation. If it
needs to write to program files or whatever, it needs elevation. We all
know this.

My client's comment after looking this up in the SB help was "in the
HELP files the "RequireAdministrator"...appeared to refer to Pre-vista

It took me by a complete surprise as I think most developer never heard
of requireAdministrator or asInvoker before Windows Vista introduced us
to UAC<g>

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson
Icetips Alta LLC