>Hello Wolfgang,
>> there is such an overwhelming possibility of commands, directives and
>> whatnot, that a little mind like me has problems to find the appropriate
>> things. In the IDE of Clarion 10 there have been integrated such tiny
>> search fields with a "Next Find"-button at its right. It would be nice
>> if we could have search search entry plus next-button. And the search
>> doing a "contains", not from the beginning. So I can search for "end"
>> and also find "#end" and all others when skipping with that next-search
>> button.
>So you would like an option to search, say, for "End" but it should *not*
>find the "#end" directive?

no no no no! I would like a "contains" search, so that I first find "end", then
"#end" and any other "*end*, which is in that list, when I press that
Next-button like in the Clarion 10-IDE.

>At the moment it is doing a "contains"
>comparison (Previous = Script Up & Next = Script Down directions).

There _is_ already a search????

To avoid misunderstandings: I mean that loooooong box at the righthand side.
Where all Commands etc are listed. There is an IF, an #ifcompvar, an END, an
#end etc. Sometime I do not know what I am looking for, like that "Service"
thingie I am working on. It is called "Edit Service...". I found it after my
third try, because I knew it had to be _somewhere_.

I hope that made more sense.

Wolfgang Orth

Please note:
From time to time it happens, that I overlook a reply to my postings.
Please don't be angry.
In case of an emergency, try to contact me via mail.

Bitte beachten:
Von Zeit zu Zeit passiert es mir, dass ich Antworten auf meine Postings übersehe.
Bitte nicht böse sein.
Im Notfall bitte Kontakt per Mail versuchen.