
I have tried various method to get the Setup files Version resource to be configured automatically without a Prompt from SB when compiling.

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I have tried the following. Formatting a Variable, then assigning it to a Constant followed by an assignment to the File Version resource. This is as per SB10 help docs when you search for: #set compiler variable. With the result - it does not get assigned.

Excerpt from the SB 10 Help docs:

---- Start of Excerpt

Example 1
#const $MY_PRODUCTVER$ = 1.90.000
#set compiler variable [PRODUCTVER] = $MY_PRODUCTVER$

Example 2
#ifdef EDITION_TYPE Equals "0" Then
#set compiler variable [PRODUCTNAME] = MyCoolApp Demo Version
#set compiler variable [PRODUCTGUID] = {BB005130-FC23-11D9-6784-0013A4321888}
#set compiler variable [PRODUCTVER] = 2.00.000
#set compiler variable [PRODUCTNAME] = MyCoolApp Full Version
#set compiler variable [PRODUCTGUID] = {BB005130-FC23-11D9-6784-0013A4321999}
#set compiler variable [PRODUCTVER] = 2.00.000

---- End of Excerpt

My idea is that the Setup File Version should automatically changed/update for every SB10 compiling and do it "silently" without me having to enter the info on each compile.

Side Note: The Setup File Version is not the same as my actual Application File Version number which is being installed or updated.

Any ideas on how to manage that, will be highly appreciated.
