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Thread: Create an MSI-file on-the-fly - is that possible?

  1. #1

    Default Create an MSI-file on-the-fly - is that possible?

    Hello Friedrich,

    from the F1-help-manual:

    "We are able to "plug-in" a MSI compiler and generate
    native Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) files.
    This makes it possible to create MSI packages as well
    as pure SetupScript installations from the same
    SetupBuilder IDE. "

    That means, the .MSI gets created on my development machine, together with the

    Can I create an .MSI-file on the clients client-machine?


    My installer puts a DB-server plus a client-program onto the customers machine.
    Both are in separate subdirectories. The client-program gets installed with an
    empty INI. The values in this INI depend on the settings the customer

    Usually this client-program gets called by the users via a desktop link.

    Now one admin wants to deploy the client-program to the client-machine, using
    MSI. So he asked, whether we could provide him with such an .MSI-file.

    Well, why not, but because I do not know his settings, I can't deliver any .MSI
    upfront for him. The only solution would be, to complete the setup and then,
    with all the shenanigan in the INI, make an MSI.

    So... is it possible to create an MSI at the clients site?

    I expect a simple "no".

    However, I wanted to ask.

    Thanks in advance!

    Wolfgang Orth

    Please note:
    From time to time it happens, that I overlook a reply to my postings.
    Please don't be angry.
    In case of an emergency, try to contact me via mail.

    Bitte beachten:
    Von Zeit zu Zeit passiert es mir, dass ich Antworten auf meine Postings übersehe.
    Bitte nicht böse sein.
    Im Notfall bitte Kontakt per Mail versuchen.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Create an MSI-file on-the-fly - is that possible?

    Hi Wolfgang,

    > Can I create an .MSI-file on the clients client-machine?

    no, you can't create a .MSI-file on the clients client-machine.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Create an MSI-file on-the-fly - is that possible?

    There's always the option to sell another license of SB, though.

    Jeff Slarve

    Bits and Bytes are Dy-No-Myte

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