Hello Ray,

>I think I'm going to not pursue messing up my install program just for
>these two folks that are too cheap to buy another computer even though
>it's a different business.

Sausage with some extra sauce costs extra money.

And sorry for the rubbish I wrote (it was late at night):

> LOC:Folder_to_EXE = ... extract the folder from COMMAND(0)
> RUN('"' & LOC:Location_of_Update_EXE & '\' & LOC:Folder_to_EXE &'"')

What I meant to say was, that you can pass the target folder to your installer.
One of my programs has an auto-updater, which runs silent (well, it is visible,
but can't be altered by the user). If no parameter is set, it works as a normal
installer. I believe... I made it 4 years ago and since then it just works. At
least I have heard no complaints. But maybe because nobody is using

Wolfgang Orth