In a thread related to wucheck (and presumably wucheck_ssl) getting a -1 (ie: ERR_IDEPLOYCONFIG), I found some wucheck code that Arnor drew attention to.

The code in wucheck.sb6 that gives you this return code/message:

If %APPTITLE% Equals "" Then
Display Message Box "#ERR_IDEPLOYCONFIG#" -- "Web Update"
Exit Installation -1
Then a comment from Arnor:

"The %APPTITLE% is retrieved from the registry:"

... about this code:
Set Variable %APPTITLE% to FUNCTION:Get Registry("LOCAL_APP") from
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lindersoft\WebUpdate\ Apps\%APPKEY%"
I am getting the same error on a new(ish) laptop that has my app installed on it.

I looked on 2 different machines and neither of them have this registry entry (I checked the wow section too).

On the 2 yr old machine, wucheck_ssl works. On the newer machine (both on the same Win10 build) that already has this app installed, wucheck_ssl fails with the -1. Wupdate_ssl works fine on this machine. There is no proxy.

The machine where the installer is created also doesnt have this registry entry.

Seems like there is a disconnect here somewhere, but Im not sure where.
