> I had a customer contact me the other day. He had downloaded one of our
> products that has all Clarion versions from 5.5 to 11.1 checked in the
> install. He had both Clarion 11.1 and Clarion 10 installed and I think
> some older ones as well. ONLY the 11.1 was enabled, all the other ones
> were disabled. This install was created for C11.1 when it came out last
> year and with whatever was the latest SB build at the time.
> I tried the install on couple of my VMs and all the installed Clarion
> versions were enabled.
> The other Clarion versions were in the list, but disabled.
> I don't recall ever seeing anything like that. Any idea what might
> cause this?

Hi Arnor,

When the actual Clarion installer is used to install Clarion there are
markers that get put in place in the Windows Registry and other places.

If the Clarion folder has been "copied" to a machine then SetupBuilder will
not be able to "see" it because none of the markers are there.

So it won't show up as a viable version for an install despite actually
being there (despite being on the list of versions that your installer

We ran into this a lot over the last few years and the way we worked around
it was to have options in our installer to install into "detected" versions
of Clarion and also an option to "manually" install into a particular

In the case of the manual install, we just assume that Clarion is installed
to the default location as a default (and still offer the user a chance to
change the root path).

That seems to work well and covers all the bases for developers who have
somehow ended up with undetectable versions on their computer.

I hope that helps!


Charles Edmonds

cjeByteMeSpammers@lansrad.com (remove the "ByteMeSpammers" to email me)

www.clarionproseries.com - ProDocument, ImageEx, ProScan, ProImage, ProPath
and other Clarion developer tools!
www.lansrad.com - "Intelligent Solutions for Universal Problems"