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Thread: how to Disable a checkbox

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    CA, Unitedd States

    Lightbulb how to Disable a checkbox


    I would like to disable a checkbox based on conditions set in my script. I've got the conditional logic down, but I don't know what the control ID is for the check boxes using the standard check boxes dialog and they are not listed in the Common Definitions.sbi. As such, I am curious as to the control IDs for the check boxes.

    If feature x is not selected then
    Set Variable %optionsel% to 10
    disable control ID Y

    any idea how to figure that out?
    Loretta A. Modern:
    SetupBuilder Developer Fan

    1) Any sample code a provide is provided AS-IS without any warranty of any kind and you use and rely on such sample code at your own risk.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    CA, Unitedd States

    Post Re: how to Disable a checkbox

    Hi Everyone:

    I found a previous post from Linder who mentioned an undocumented feature for doing this.

    Note I think that all dialog box control IDs should be documented in common definitions or at least documented in the help files relevant to their dialog box.

    Since I found a solution, I figured I'd post an update here to make sure it's accessible to the next person who needs this solution.
    Loretta A. Modern:
    SetupBuilder Developer Fan

    1) Any sample code a provide is provided AS-IS without any warranty of any kind and you use and rely on such sample code at your own risk.
    2) The way I do things might not work for you and how to accomplish things is SetupBuilder is constantly improving so any sample code is only provided for demonstration purposes and should be fully tested in a lab before deployment in the real world.

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