
Please find below a link to my Mega Cloud drive with a ZIP file containing a demonstration project that I put together showing how it's done. In the ZIP is a RTF file that explains how it works and has screenshots, also included is the SetupBuilder script and a full working example. Bear in mind that this is using the x86 version of the visual C++ redistributable but the process should be the same just with a bit of altration for x64.

Took me a few hours working late into the night but I really did have fun getting to build this :-)

Hope this helps and if you've got any questions, feel free to reply and I'll see what I can do.

LINK: Download Example Project From Mega.NZ Cloud Drive

Disclaimer: I'm no expert and I don't work for Lindersoft. What works for me might not work for you and so you should test everything in a lab environment before deploying it to production. Additionally, there may be better ways of accomplishing such tasks but this is the way I have found to do it.