
In 5.0.1116 I have a number of variables declared in the main script that are
referenced in included scripts. Recompiling a script today, I've got a
compiler error from an include that a variable has not been previously

That variable is defined as %LPRODUCTCODE% at line 125 of the main script.
The include is at line 328, so it shouldn't be a scope issue.

As I was writing this I noticed a case issue for the single variable
%LPRODUCTCODE%. It is (unintentionally) declared in uppercase, but used in
lower in a function call with all these other doo-dads.

%szExePath%,%szDataPath%,%szProgVersion%,%szLicens ee%,%szSupportExpires%,%lProductCode%,%lUpdateOk%, %lLicenseType%,%lLicenseOptions%

Has SB become case sensitive (it hasn't been until this compile)? I hope not
because I can read the line above. The one below, which I hope I don't need
to use, reads like I talk after a couple of joints.


Best regards,
