
I'm new to Setup Builder 5. I was using Setup Builder 4 for Clarion, but never used the script editor.
Now what I want to do is create an installer that detects what versions of Clarion is installed and register a template at the end. I found no help about, but I did found several nice examples that do parts of it.
Now, I figured that if I want to copy what's in those examples, I can launch SB5 twice, one loaded with the example and the other with my project, and "copy" script lines from one to the other. Only that this only worked once, for one line! Let's call them project #1 and #2.
1) Now, I select a line in the script editor in #1 and click right mouse, press "copy". Go to #2, click right mouse, the "paste" option is disabled.
2) In #2, I want to just add a blank line. How do I do that?
3) It seems that the only way to do what I want (i.e. detect Clarion version) is touching the script, is that right?
4) In the "help" menu, if I select "Reference manual", nothing happens. Is that right?
5) There is plenty of help on what the scripts are and how to use them, but didn't found any on how to use the script editor. Is there any, in that case where?
I'm a bit lost, any help would be appreciated.
Jorge Lavera