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Thread: #1151 - Auto Update Scan - no patching?

  1. Default #1151 - Auto Update Scan - no patching?

    I'm trying to patch a big tree. I started with a new, empty project. I run the wizard, and specify C:\sistema seg\Sistema as previous and C:\sistema as current. Both have the same tree below. I look at the "File and Folders" view, and select "Application Folder". When promtped, I select "create binary patch", "Support delayed File install" and "Check file CRC".
    1) The script is generated without the patch thing. All lines ends like:
    (Always install) [CRC] [Uninstall] instead of (Patch), etc.
    2) In the "File and Folders" view there is no refresh of the files just added. So far, closing and reopened the project is the only way I found. Even then, if I try to manually add the patch reference from there, it's not updated in the script.
    Am I doing something wrong, or are these bugs?
    Jorge Lavera

  2. Default Re: #1151 - Auto Update Scan - no patching?

    BTW, same new #1151 project; in the script editor, after running the wizard, if I select from "start delayed file install" to "stop delayed file install" (351 lines), and hit the delete key, I get a GPF. Running on Win XP SP2. I tried several times.
    If I close the project after running the wizard and reopen, ir doesn't seem to fail.
    Jorge Lavera

  3. Default Re: #1151 - Auto Update Scan - no patching?

    No answer on this one?
    Can somebody confirm?

    Jorge Lavera

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: #1151 - Auto Update Scan - no patching?


    Sorry, we cannot reproduce this (and we are using this feature on a daily basis).

  5. Default Re: #1151 - Auto Update Scan - no patching?

    Ok, that's good to know. Now, how can I find out what I'm doing wrong?
    Can you post a step-by-step example on how to do it?
    Jorge Lavera

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: #1151 - Auto Update Scan - no patching?

    Perhaps you have a different main folder structure? The (main) folder structure of old and new files have to be the same!

    For example:

    Previous version:


    New version:



  7. Default Re: #1151 - Auto Update Scan - no patching?

    I still can't figured out what's wrong.
    I'll write here all the steps I'm taken.
    I had something like this:

    Previous version:


    New version:


    I open SetupBuilder.
    Select "File","new", "empty project". Type in a name (arcolor.sb5).
    A wizard pops up (new setup project wizard).
    I press "Next", fill up the fields.
    "Next", change the destination path to just %PROGRAMFILESDIR%.
    "Next", "no" and "no".
    Now I have an empty project with a tree below that says "Always install", and "Application folder" under it.
    Go to "Project", "Perform auto update scan". A Wizard pops up (Auto update scanning wizard).
    I press "next", then in "previous version folder" I enter "C:\Sisteseg". In "New version folder", "C:\Sistema".
    "Next", a "please wait" window appears. Nothing happen for a few seconds, then the progress bar go to 100% and says "scan completed".
    "Next", a long list of files is presented, preselected.
    "Next", I choose "Create binary patch", "Support delayed file install" and "Check file (CRC)".
    "Finish"... a window saying "Browse the folder" pops up. On top, I have a drop list that says "Always install". Can't change it. The "ok" button down there is disabled, so I guess I have to choose a carpet in the list. The only one I have to select is "Application folder", so I select it. Now I can press the "Ok" button.
    The previous window is shown again, and after a few seconds a message pops up saying "393 items added succesfully".
    Now, I'm back in the "File and Folders" view. The tree isn't refreshed. I still see only the "application folder".
    Switching to the script editor, under "install files", I have the 393 files between a "Start/Stop delayed install" section, BUT scrolling to the right I can see that every one of them says "[always install]" instead of "patch". If I enter any of them, and go to the "patch" tab, there is nothing there.
    If I close the project (prompt to save, say yes), then reopened, hanging below "application Folder" I can see only the folders that have file that changed (that seems ok), but if I pick any file and go to "details", "patch", there is nothing there.

    I must do this every day, so going and change the 393 files one by one is not an option...
    Ok... I hope you can help me. Where I'm making a mistake?
    Jorge Lavera

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: #1151 - Auto Update Scan - no patching?

    A few minutes ago we built the new SB5 Professional and Developer Edition patch wothout any problem. The same method was used to generate the Clarion 6.2 patch. At the moment I don't know what you are doing wrong. Could you please send me the generated script?

  9. Default Re: #1151 - Auto Update Scan - no patching?

    Sent to support@.
    Meanwhile, I guess I'm going to reinstall SB5 from scratch to see what happens.
    Jorge Lavera

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: #1151 - Auto Update Scan - no patching?

    I would suggest to wait for the new build. It fixes some important bugs!

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