Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
Seems like same old story, huh? One company buys another, then kills their products or othewise ruins them, doesn't support them, etc.

I used to love the Stingray products. Then Rogue Wave bought them. They were just buying the revenue to get the stock price up. They didn't do anything with the product line. In fact, most of those guys went on to form Syncfusion (whose products don't seem as good as the old Stingray products, but guess that's another story...).
I absolutely agree. Macrovision bought InstallShield. A worse product just got even worst. Altiris bought Wise. The quality of a good product got worse and worse. Then Macrovision bought Zero G. Some good product disappeared, other good products still exist but technical support and license policy is a nightmare.

I discussed this situation with a (former) InstallShield employee. He told me that InstallShield tried to take over the SetupBuilder product line, but that Friedrich Linder (the owner of Lindersoft, Inc.) did not sell his company.

Result: a good product just got even better. Amazing...

Andrew McKay