
As a happy user of a great produkt I now have a couple of questions.:

1. I have set the requireAdministrator flag, but my new download (I have not
made any changes to the script for a long time).
Now the UAC suddenly kick`s in under vista and the "Allow this program to
run " (In Norwegian) pops-up every time for users updarading or installing
my software.
I also "Code signed" the install.exe using SignCode.exe.
For customers that have my app installed under vista (previous version), the
icons are now replaved with my icon and a "Windows shield" (That triggers

2. Code signing from within Setupbuilder, I have purchased the "Comodo?"
from Lindersoft, but are unable to find any private key`s crediential files
and so forth, I`ve searched my local hard-drives without any luck, the
SignCode however finds a certificate but requiers me to do it in a 2 step
proccess (Build & Sign), lazy cw.developer as I am, I would offcourse do
this in one process

Med Vennlig Hilsen
Tor-Bjarne Henriksen
Berghs Metall as
"We make IT easy"